Auto Tuned Circuit Tesla Coil


  1. Auto Tuned Circuit Tesla Coil Kit
  2. Tesla Coil Schematics
  3. Auto Tuned Circuit Tesla Coil Diagram
  4. Tesla Coil Circuit Schematic
  5. Tesla Coil For Home Use

Tuning your oneTesla. Example, there are two LC resonant circuits involved in creating the high tension sparks: the primary circuit and the secondary circuit. An LC resonant circuit consists of an inductor (L) and a. For a Tesla coil to be well tuned, the primary and secondary circuits should resonate at the same. Sep 19, 2013 I got tired of having to set up the signal generator and oscilloscope for coil tuning, so I made the single-purpose unit described in this video. The DDS synthesiser came from eBay and it was a. Make a spiral primary coil for a Tesla coil. Lower down on the page you can turn on Auto-Tune and then click on the RUN JAVATC button then you'll see that it replaces the number of turns you gave with a different number that's close. Video - How to Make Spiral Primary Coil for Tesla Coil.

I know that just when you thought I was off on one tangent, here I go back onto another 'old' one. Why? Because I have some 'scientists' who are moving in the wrong direction and I don't want to just snatch them back nor do I wish to relate the 'how to' because I make a lot of effort to protect my secretary. I can share most openly by simply reminding you that you have information in great supply and, if you take what is offered and LISTEN to instructions, you will have no problem working out the most dreary or magnificent things. I note that you are tinkering with and pondering about some of Tesla's circuits and pondering how to capture 'frequencies of potentially unlimited structure and move them into controlled and useful tools.

Since we have written so much on the man, Tesla, I think I shall just start in the middle of what may seem, to most, as being unnoteworthy, but it IS. We know all about his alternating currents, etc., so let us just move on and talk about 'Tuned Circuits'. I would like to again thank Bob James for offering information in the form of a book by Philip S. Callahan called Tuning In To Nature. As I found when dealing with subjects such as cells, we were as babes in the woods so I gave you a sort-of 'glossary' so that you could become a bit informed as we offered input to our already educated engineers and scientific personnel. I am going to bypass that very important detail here because of Dharma's time constraints and I need this information put to writing. If we can find time to offer definitions we will try to do so later.


[QUOTING Excerpts From TUNING INTO NATURE, By Philip S. Callahan, 1975, The Devin-Adair Company, Connecticut:]

[Hatonn: You who are 'hung-up' on some aspects of your work will find some key issues covered here in what will seem to be substantially more simplicity than you have grown to complicate the systems.]

Why is the invention of the tuned circuit by this .fascinating man, Nikola Tesla, so important? Let us take a quick look at what a tuned circuit really is. Resonant waves have been known ever since man invented the first stringed musical instrument. Most people seem to understand how sound resonance works, but many apparently draw a complete blank when the subject of electrical resonance is approached. From this standpoint, electrical resonance seems to have suffered the same fate as Tesla himself---obscurity!

A wave, as you know, is made up of a series of crests and troughs; this holds true for liquid waves, sound waves, and electromagnetic waves--regardless of how long or short they are. If, by some means, mechanical or otherwise, waves are put in 'phase', then the crest of one meets the crest of the other, and waves march in unison and thus add together. If they are 180 degrees out of phase--so that waves and troughs are opposite each other--then they cancel out, and the result is no wave or 0. In the region of light (electro-magnetic radiation) this is called constructive (addition) or destructive (cancellation) interference. Waves in phase are said to resonate, or to be coherent. The electromagnetic wave is called a sine wave in electronic terminology. One wavelength is equal to the length of one whole crest and one whole dip.

A traveling train of waves has a frequency that equals the number of its crests that pass a given point per second. Thus, for my 300-kilocycle station (1 kilocycle = 1,000 cycles) in Ireland, 300,000 cycles, or sine waves, passed over a point on the surface of the earth each second. Obviously, if wavelength = the speed of light divided by the frequency, then the velocity (speed) of the wave equals wavelength times frequency; or in the case of my radio range station in Ireland, mentioned in the last chapter, velocity = 300 kilocycles x 1,000 meters = 300,000 kilometers per second, or the speed of light. Now we see why it is so important to have accurate measurements of the speed of light. In 1907, Albert Michelson was the first American to receive a Nobel Prize in Science. He received it for measuring very accurately the speed of light with his Michelson interferometer. Today, scientists utilizing a hydrogen-cyanide laser are calculating a light-speed constant that is 100-fold more accurate than previous values. They are looking at a reproducibility of one part in 10,000 billion (1 in 1013).

In the spectral region of the long waves of my radio range station, or of Tesla's earth waves, great accuracy is not necessary; but, at the present time, we are working at the other end of the spectrum where light and IR [Infra Red] wavelengths are micrometers or less long. If we are going to look at 'tuned' or resonant circuits in these regions, we need to know the speed of light to a much greater degree of accuracy.

If you look at a regular light bulb, the electrons that make up the rays reaching your eyes are not marching together in phase. They are all going out in different directions, and at different times. The emitted electrons do not oscillate together in harmony. Waves that do not march together are called incoherent waves, as shown in the top of Figure 5. Waves that do march together are called coherent waves (bottom of Figure 5).

Figure 5 [E. Y. editor's note: For you more technically aware readers, I have to jump in here and correct the sentiment of the above paragraph because electrons are not going anywhere. Agitated electrons in the filament of the bulb give off photons of light and these photons interact with the eye and are perceived as light.]

In basic terms, we know what waves and frequency are, but how does one get waves to march together like soldiers? How does one put them in phase so that they resonate? This problem was solved by Tesla for long waves in 1897 with his 'tuned circuit'. C.H. Townes solved it for very short light waves in 1953 with his gas laser.

Auto Tuned Circuit Tesla Coil Kit

There are some admirers of Tesla, and I am one, who suspect that he invented the laser years ago and destroyed it for fear it would become a tool of war. [Hatonn: No, he didn't destroy it but did share it with 'others' who have used it and become the world leaders in such technology and NO, IT IS NOT THE U.S.A.!] Modern researchers may protest that Tesla never patented a laser. They might maintain that he could not have done so because Einstein hadn't invented quantum mechanics at that period of science. [Hatonn: Pooh, Einstein was a distractor with inaccurate information and information taken from Tesla's property which contained some of the information of which we speak here, but the reason there is no patent is that Tesla finally realized that what was patented was STOLEN IMMEDIATELY and knew the patent office and department were only conduits to take and use his work. This is something that If ALL OF YOU REALIZED, you would quit giving your enemy your technology.] The argument isn't valid, however, for Thomson discovered the electron before the theory of quantum mechanics was developed. Thomson looked on electrons as raisins buried in a big cake--the atom! He did not have the concept of little packets of energy orbiting around a nucleus, as we view electrons today. There are many who believe however, that Tesla did invent what he termed a 'death ray'. [Hatonn: Well, what is a 'laser'?] Half of any great discovery is hypothesis based on asking the right question. He was known to have had a good grasp of gas discharge phenomena and told of a death ray he invented that could cut through solids! Let me quote from a lecture, 'On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena', delivered at Franklin Institute, Philadelphia (February 1893). [Hatonn: I felt the full presentation was so valid as to have offered this to you readers some years ago. If it can be located and extracted from our writings, please run it when space is available.]

It is very likely that resonant vibration plays a most important part in all manifestations of energy in nature. Throughout space, all matter is vibrating, and all rates of vibration are represented from the lowest musical note to the highest pitch of the chemical rays; hence an atom, or complex of atoms, no matter what its period, must find a vibration with which it is in resonance. When we consider the enormous rapidity of the light vibrations, we realize the impossibility of producing such vibrations directly with any apparatus of measurable dimensions, and we are driven to the only possible means of attaining the object of setting up waves of light by electrical means and economically, that is, to affect the molecules or atoms of a gas to cause them to collide and vibrate. We then must ask ourselves: how can free molecules or atoms be affected? [Italics added.]

[Hatonn: Now we are approaching the very subjects which were the focus of our work on Light and with Walter Russell's input. I would, therefore, since we now have ample input from totally separate resources as to diagrams that we will get around to offering Tom Astley's 'receivings' which are far more accurate in presentation and unclouded by people who have usurped his work as has been Walter Russell's. I would acknowledge that ones from claimed Russell resources are working on energy devices, etc., which are direct take-off of Tesla's work. And the minute they override Tesla's patents--they can expect legal repercussions. If they hold Russell's work hostage---then too shall we-the-people HOLD THEM LIABLE FOR ANY UTILIZATION OF TESLA'S WORK! It shall be called Patent and Copyright violations. Those people in point can giggle and waggle and discount MY PRESENCE AND POSITION AND POSSIBILITIES---IT MATTERS NOT A WHIT. I AM EXACTLY WHO I SAY I AM AND SO ARE THE AUTHORS OF THE PLEIADES CONNECTION SERIES OF JOURNALS.]

The quotation is irrefutable proof that in 1893 Tesla asked the right question about resonating short light waves. He knew that molecular 'in-phase' waves could not be attained with 'apparatus of measurable dimensions'; that is, with coils and condensers as used in the radio region of the spectrum. One would have to put the atoms in resonance to obtain what today we call coherence.

The helium-neon laser, which puts out a coherent in-phase red beam, works on the principle of what laser physicists call 'collisions of the second kind' between two dissimilar gases. At any finite pressure, the life-time of any radiation emission will be significantly lengthened by light emitted from atoms being absorbed and re-emitted by other atoms. This is a sort of chain reaction system where re-emittance and reabsorption occur in cycles until, after a number of such cycles, the light escapes as radiation. The stimulus for the radiation from the gas is an electrical discharge, just as Tesla suggested.

It is absolutely inconceivable that a man who knew what Tesla did about gas discharges, light rays, and resonating systems, would not attempt to resonate the output of his gas tubes by some method such as is used in present-day laser research. One would have to be of an extremely selfish nature not to admit the possibility that his 'death ray' was a laser. [Hatonn: Well, readers, there are A LOT of such selfish people running around claiming to want to 'help society'. No, I don't buy it either, for when you want to help—you don't sue the truth-bringers.]

Tesla never published in scientific journals, and since he considered himself a practical inventor working for humanity, most of his writings are in the form of verbose Victorian essays that were presented before scientific societies. A careful reading of these essays will prove conclusively that he did work on the concept of a laser. John O'Neill, in his biography, says, 'Tesla never gave the slightest hint concerning the principles under which the device [death ray] operated.' O'Neill, however, was not a scientist, and besides, C.H. Townes had not invented the laser when O'Neill wrote his biography of Tesla in 1944.

One cannot read Tesla's lengthy essays in a critical manner and not admit that, as early as 1893, he had the concept of the laser. Just as resonant circuits of coils and condensers put oscillations of long radio waves in phase and produce coherence, so also do resonating molecules produce coherent light waves. We will never know if, in his later years, Tesla produced a real laser (death ray). He claimed that he did. Whether or not we prefer to believe that Tesla designed a laser, in no way detracts from the genius of Townes, who accomplished the same objective in 1953. [Hatonn: Of course it was from Tesla's working instructions. Great scientists work with others at every opportunity when there is respect and purpose while living in proximity of time--or through that which is quietly handed down from the elder to the seeking student.] There are some who believe that the greatness of one scientist detracts from that of another. This is foolish thinking. Because we show that Tesla was an electrical genius, does not make Townes, or Edison, any less so.

It is interesting that Tesla was experimenting with resonating light waves in gas tubes in 1893, but more to the point that he did patent the first resonant 'tuned' circuit in the radio portion of the spectrum.

In 1900, Tesla predicted radio as we know it today. In an essay entitled, 'The Problems of Increasing Human Energy', he wrote the following:

'That communication without wires to any point of the globe is practical with such apparatus would need no demonstration, but through a discovery which I made I obtained absolute certitude. Popularly explained it is exactly this: When we raise the voice and hear an echo in reply, we know that the sound of the voice must have reached a distant wall, or boundary, and must have been reflected from the same. Exactly as the sound, so an electrical wave is reflected, and the same evidence which is afforded by an echo is offered by an electrical phenomenon known as a 'stationary' wave--that is, a wave with fixed nodal and ventral regions. Instead of sending sound vibrations toward a distant wall, I have sent electrical vibrations toward the remote boundaries of the earth, and instead of the wall the earth has replied. In place of an echo I have obtained a stationary electrical wave, a wave reflected from afar. [Italics added.]

Tesla was not talking about the 'make-and-break' telegraphy of Marconi, but rather about the principle of coherent waves in resonance or, as we say today, standing waves on an antenna. As he states, it was a discovery that he made, and it was the single most important concept of what today we call the science of electronics or radio. Of course Hertz, before 1891, knew about standing waves as is evident in his treatise, 'Annalen der Physik and Chemi'. His resonator transmitter, however, was a small coil, loop antenna, and spark gap. Hertz never believed his system would be useful for long-distance communication! As shown in Figure 6, antennas are cut in lengths to match the same wave-length of oscillations being generated or received.

Fig. 6
A resonant, or tuned, circuit may be a series or a parallel circuit, and is used to electrically shorten or lengthen the antenna. Parallel-tuned circuits (a condenser across a coil instead of at the end of the coil) are used in radio to couple resonant energy from one circuit to another in the transmitter or receiver. For the sake of keeping things simple, however, we will discuss a series-tuned circuit. Series-tuned circuits are often used to electrically 'stretch' or 'shorten' an antenna or waveguide (transmission lines) so that the length of the antenna or waveguide will match the length of the incoming wave. One would not want to cut or lengthen the antenna every time a different frequency station was tuned to. To accomplish the electrical shortening or lengthening, one places a coil and adjustable condenser in series with the antenna. The antenna then becomes a series-tuned circuit. It might be necessary with a receiver, for instance, to 'tune' the antenna electrically to fit waves from 4-inches to 33-feet-long, as shown in Figure 6, or even, as in the case of my radio range, from point-to-point frequencies a few feet long to radio range signals half a mile long. Most antennas are cut to half or quarter wavelengths, for the simple reason that it takes less wire and still works for resonance.

If we look at Tesla's 1897 patent (No. 649,621) we see what looks like nothing more than a couple of coils across an electric generator. Actually, his drawings represent a transmitter. For an oscillator (wave producer), Tesla used the AC generator that he invented. This, of course, sends out alternating current in the form of a sine wave. His transmitter consists of a generator across a huge double-loop primary coil. The secondary coil is made of many turns and is grounded at one end. The other end extends upward as a loop antenna. The receiver on the right was a light bulb. [see Fig 5a above]

The drawing actually filed in the patent does not convey the enormity of this transmitter. Reading the patent does, however, because the loop antenna is of tremendous size, and according to the patent is to be wrapped around a large balloon in the sky. In section 85 of his patent, Tesla tells us that his secondary coil is wound with 50 miles of wire. This includes the loop antenna around the balloon. Since the speed of light is equal to 300,000 kilometers per second, or approximately 186,000 miles per second (we do not have to be very accurate with such long waves), and since Tesla tells us his waves were 200 miles long, then we see his motor was putting out an AC sine wave at: or a frequency of 930 (200 mile-long) waves per second. This means, in essence, that Tesla was maintaining 930 stationary waves, or sine waves, in his secondary coil. Since his waves are 200 miles long, and his coil only 50, he has in effect a 'tuned' quarter-wave transmitting antenna.

At this point, Tesla still is not able to vary wavelengths with his tuned transmitter. Although it is a resonant system, it is fixed to wavelengths 200 miles long, because his 50-mile-long coil and antenna wire are cut to that fixed one-quarter length. His next patent, No. 685,953 (filed June 24, 1899), is entitled, 'Method of Intensifying and Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through Natural Media'. [Hatonn: Please never allow the idea 'transistor' to leave your minds.] By natural media, Tesla meant air. This second patent is essentially a variable plate condenser utilized to tune the coil and antenna of his transmitter. When Tesla placed this condenser circuit in series with his coil in the transmitter, he had produced a variable tuned circuit, and could resonate quite accurately to many wavelengths by varying the condenser in the circuit.

In electronics, the term reactance means opposition to flow of current (the symbol is X). Capacitive reactance (Xc) is opposition to current flow offered by capacitors and inductive reactance (Xi) by coils. In a tuned circuit, the inductive and capacitive reactance are oppositely affected by frequency. In any series combination of capacitors and coils, there is one particular frequency where capacitive reactance equals inductive reactance (Xc = Xi). The two factors cancel each other out and, at that frequency, for those values the only resistance to the flow of current is that of the wire itself (Figure 7). [Hatonn: I would pay careful heed to this information for remember what happened in Lawrence Livermore labs in about 1989 or so was that the accelerators and circuits started a build-up chain reaction and almost blew out the western coastline of, at the least, California. We had to intervene and even then the chain reaction blew out every capacitor as if they weren't there. It is the out-of-control aspects which are so dangerous to your entire society--with this information.]

We see, then, that by making an adjustable coil or condenser, one can change the values of Xc = Xi to fit any frequency and can thus tune the antenna to different wavelengths. This is the basic circuit for antennas, and for coupling from circuit to circuit in a transmitter or a receiver. All that tubes or transistors do is control the current from these tuned coupling circuits. [Hatonn: IF YOU'RE LUCKY!]

As we shall see later, antennas that resonate to short wave-lengths, below radio in the infrared and visible regions of the spectrum, may be constructed from insulative substances such as Plexiglass, instead of metal. Such a substance is called a dielectric material. They are cut to exact wavelengths, as our figure shows.

Hertz produced the first long radio waves, and Marconi sent them across distances with his antenna, but it was Tesla who made the whole system work by demonstrating the method by which any wave could be controlled at various frequencies. Of course, Tesla was attempting to transmit AC power across space, not to transmit radio signals. He succeeded, for he turned on light bulbs twenty-five miles away! The principles are the same for short or long waves in either case. Tesla should share with Hertz and Marconi the credit for modern electronics--this apart from the fact that he is the real father of our AC power system. It would not seem to me to diminish the genius of Hertz or Marconi to give Tesla his due credit. In my opinion, Tesla's tuned circuit was the most elegant of the three basic concepts of electronics. What does the invention of the tuned circuit have to do with insect antennae? At first, the connection may seem quite remote, but now that we know what a tuned circuit is, let us take a closer look at how a laser works. Just as Tesla's tuned circuit puts out gigantic 200-mile-long waves in phase from an AC generator, so a laser puts out tiny short waves in the visible and infrared region from molecular oscillators. Insects are small, so any waves they might detect would have to be very short waves.

The word 'laser' comes from the first initials of the words LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION. [Hatonn: How many of you knew that?] Since lasers work by stimulating molecules to oscillate, and can be made to put out both visible or IR radiation, I prefer for my infrared work the term 'maser', which means Micrometer (IR) Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. That is why I use that term in this book: insects utilize micrometer radiation.

Metal Antenna Dielectric Waveguide Insect Antennae

As I pointed out before, an electrical discharge is utilized to stimulate emission from a gas laser. Of course, the stimulated emission is nothing more than a form of fluorescence, and the light radiation from the glowing tube is not in phase, and thus not coherent. To attain coherent light from the end of a long glass tube filled with gas, two reflecting mirrors have to be spaced exactly right so that the waves of light, or infrared, will bounce back and forth between them and finally all 'get together' in resonance before shooting out the end as a coherent 'in-phase' beam. We can later look at fluorescence, but for now, suffice it to say that it takes a lot of experimentation to figure out what mixture of gases to use to produce the fluorescence. It also takes rather complex mathematics to arrive at the correct spacing of the reflecting mirrors. Designing lasers is both an art and a science.

Tesla Coil Schematics

The distance between the mirrors is like the distance along the length of the wire antenna: it must be made to match the wave-length that you expect to transmit. There is one main difference, however. Whereas radio antennas are usually half or quarter wavelengths long, laser mirrors may be separated by many wave-lengths of distance. Since there is a long space filled with gas between the mirrors, a laser resonating system is called an open resonator or waveguide. We may still consider it a tuned circuit, however, since all the waves are put in phase by 'tuning' or spacing the mirrors correctly for the desired frequency, just as the metal antenna is 'tuned' by setting the coil and condenser for the correct reactance (Xc = Xi) values to electrically match the wavelength of the radio frequency.

Auto Tuned Circuit Tesla Coil Diagram

The red coherent beam of a 'tuned' helium-neon laser is so intense that it would severely injure your eye if you looked directly at it. You could, of course, see the beam as it gradually burned out your sensitive retina. Since coherent radiation is in phase, it is highly amplified. [Hatonn: Still think there aren't such things as blinding lasers?] It may be likened to flipping three jump ropes at another person holding the ropes at the other end. If you flip them one at a time so that a wave moves along each rope, the crests and dips will all arrive at the person at different times, and so the force (mass) of the three ropes will be distributed over a certain time interval at the opposite end. If, however, you flip all three together at one time, the force (mass) of the undulating wave will arrive at the other person's hand simultaneously, and the person holding the end will feel three times the force. That is exactly what tuned radio antennas and lasers do: they 'flip' the generated oscillations, from gases in the case of the laser, or from the radio transmitter so that they all leave the transmitter at the exact same time, and arrive at the receiver at the same time.

In case of the radio transmitter, the detector of the coherent radiation is your radio receiver or TV set; in the case of the helium-neon laser it is a photocell, or your eye--if one is so foolish! Of course, if you get too close to a high-powered radar or TV antenna, it could damage the tissue of your body as severely as the laser would your eye. The simple fact that your body would not detect the damage done from high-energy radio as quickly, since you have no built-in receiver for the long radio or radar frequencies, but do for the short light frequencies. [Hatonn: Speak for yourself, sir, for I know quite a few who have this built-in receiving system! Makes this communication problem quite simply explained, does it not?]

The question we must ask ourselves is: Since man over the last few decades has learned to produce tuned circuits that put out coherent radio, infrared, and visible light, and to detect the frequencies with receivers which also incorporate tuned antennas to resonate to the wavelengths, can such a system already exist in nature? If so, how does such a natural system work, and in which part of the spectrum? I am now certain that such a natural system does exist, and that those most-successful-of-all living organisms, the insects, have evolved the organ for detecting these mysterious frequencies! [H: Indeed, right down to the microbes!] The paradox of this statement is that I should have spent twenty or so years proving that the insect antenna really is an antenna.

Tesla Coil Circuit Schematic


Tesla Coil For Home Use

I think if you are still wondering about a 'conspiracy' as to your not being allowed freedom and knowledge-- you must have your antennae on backwards. This is such old technology as to make me faint with concern over your state of affairs. You are people of the hidden agendas and LIES.
Thank you for these extra hours of work but it is time we get focused and stop dallying about. I refuse to allow you to develop anything that you think you need to take PUBLIC. It is the current downfall of FREE MEN AND WOMEN IN A TOTALLY CONTROLLED WORLD. Let us use caution and consideration of all things, please. Salu and good evening.

12/29/95 #2 HATONN

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