Dev C++ Librerias

Apr 27, 2015  Dev-C will automatically configure a 32bit and a 64bit compiler profile for you, and will select the 32bit profile if your computer does not support 64bit. Posted by Orwell at 9:24 PM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to.

LIBRERIAS DE DEV C Contiene la macro assert (asercin), utilizada para detectar errores lgicos y otros tipos de fallos en la depuracin de un programa. Conjunto de funciones para manipular nmeros complejos (nuevo en C99). Contiene funciones para clasificar caracteres segn sus tipos o para convertir entre maysculas y minsculas independientemente del conjunto. Lo que hacemos es incluir las librerias wchar.h, que incluye un soporte para amplios tipos de caracteres y la libreria locale.h con la que se incluye el soporte para distintos tipos de formatos de fecha, moneda, texto, etc. Solo basta usar la funcion: setlocale(LCALL, ').


A C++ program can call on a large number of functions from this conforming implementation of the C++ Standard Library. These functions perform essential services such as input and output and provide efficient implementations of frequently used operations.

For more information about Visual C++ run-time libraries, see CRT Library Features.

In This Section

C++ Standard Library Overview
Provides an overview of the Microsoft implementation of the C++ Standard Library.

iostream Programming
Provides an overview of iostream programming.

Header Files Reference
Provides links to reference topics discussing the C++ Standard Library header files, with code examples.


This section of the documentation contains reference content for the Microsoft implementation of the ISO standard C and C++ languages. The language reference includes documentation for the preprocessor, compiler intrinsics, and supported assembly languages.

You'll also find documentation for the C runtime library, the C++ standard library, and several other libraries available with the Microsoft C/C++ compiler (MSVC) here.

Language reference

C language
Reference content for the Microsoft implementation of the C language.

C++ language
Reference content for the Microsoft implementation of the C++ language.

C/C++ preprocessor
Reference content for the preprocessor used by C and C++.

Compiler intrinsics
Describes intrinsic functions that are available in Microsoft C and C++ for x86, ARM, ARM64, and x64 architectures.

Inline assembler
Explains how to use the Visual C/C++ inline assembler with x86 processors.

ARM assembler reference
Provides reference material for the Microsoft ARM assembler (ARMASM) and related tools.

Microsoft macro assembler reference
Provides reference material for the Microsoft Macro assembler (MASM).

Libraries reference

Standard libraries


C runtime library
The reference for the Microsoft implementation of the C runtime library (CRT), sometimes referred to as the Universal CRT.

C++ standard library
The reference for the Microsoft implementation of the C++ standard library.

Libraries for Windows applications

Documentation for the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) and Active Template Library (ATL) class libraries.

Dev C++ Libreria Graphics.h

Additional libraries

C++ AMP (C++ Accelerated Massive Parallelism)
Classes that enable the use of modern graphics processors for general purpose programming.

Dev C++ Libreria Math

Concurrency Runtime
Classes that simplify the writing of programs that use data parallelism or task parallelism.

Reference for the Microsoft implementation of the OpenMP API.

SafeInt library
A portable library that can be used with MSVC, GCC, or Clang to help prevent integer overflows.

Data Access LibrariesLibraries to support data access using ATL or MFC, and legacy services such as OLE DB and ODBC.

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